Aims and Purposes
As agreed in the Yorkshire & Humber Institute of Technology Research CPD meeting, we are currently preparing an internal journal to catalogue research and scholarly activities that have taken place under the IoT banner or at associated substitute organisations.
This will be presented in an open format, as an open access PDF publication of abstracts with links to a folder containing the associated content.
While publishing any progress made in research projects, the main emphasis is placed on sharing best practices, ideas for further research and the outcomes of staff and student research, rather than strict academic rigour.
The journal will be a multimedia collection and accept content in any format (i.e., written papers, technical notes, videos, presentations etc.).
The final submission should not exceed 5,000 words.
What is to be submitted?
We are currently seeking content for the second edition of the journal. Do you have something that you would like to submit?
For the second edition we have decided to set a broad remit for content: "Any research, ideas or technical notes that fall within the remit of the IoT or partner institutions"
In future years we may tighten this to focus on specific areas of the IoT work. However, for this edition we would like to promote sharing best practice and collegiate working across all areas of the IOT.
We recommend 2-3 pages for a written piece or a minimum of 10 minutes for a video.
Topics of Interest
ChatGPT and AI Technology: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities
Leveraging Technology for Decarbonisation and Sustainability
Robotics and Automation: Applications in Health, Agriculture, Security and Defence
Exploring Applications of AR/VR/XR and 360-Degree Camera Technologies
If you would like to discuss your proposal further, gain more information or work with us to complete your proposal then please contact Yang Lu for any issues related to topics 1-3 and Derek Wills related to topic 4.
Submission Guidelines
Please send a 100 – 150 word abstract along with the submission to Viv Parker ( by 10th July 2024. The template can be found below.
Further instruction support will then be sent to you to upload your content, based on the type of media you are proposing to upload.
Content will be peer reviewed by the editorial team in a constructive and developmental manner. We may ask you to make changes or work with you to develop your content for the journal, if you wish.
Full-text submission window: 15 July - 30 October 2024
Tentative publication date: March 2025